BKR Removal

Do you have a negative BKR Registration and want to delete your BKR?

Property Professional works with instances that can delete your BKR listing. Would you like to know if you qualify for this? Then please fill in the form without obligation.

Remove BKR Registration

    First name (required)

    Surname (required)

    Street name (required)

    Postal code (mandatory)

    Residence (mandatory)

    Nationality (mandatory)

    Telephone number (required)

    Your e-mail (required)

    Is your income more than €35,000 on an annual basis (mandatory)

    Type of coding (mandatory)

    Is the coding correct? (mandatory)

    Describe why (mandatory)

    Delete reason request BKR

    Is there an emergency disposal

    (a reason for urgency may be, for example, the purchase of a house or financing for a business investment)

    Can you prove in writing that the bkr registration is an obstacle for you? If so, please upload the data here.

    By clicking on send, you agree to receive free bids.
